Are you using PDFescape Desktop or PDFescape Online?
PDFescape Desktop
Open the Insert Module. Choose Insert in the Images section:
A Browse window will open. Find your image and click Open. Your image will now be inserted into the document. Select the image while in Edit Mode to change its size and location. If the image opens and appears very large or very small, it is because PDFescape will use the image properties to determine how big or small it appears.
PDFescape Online
- Click on the Insert Tab.
- Choose the Image option.
The Add Image Tool window will appear.
- Click on the Choose File button.
- A Browse window will open. Find your image and click Open.
- Drag and drop the image to the Drop File Here box.
- Click anywhere on your PDF to insert the image.
You can resize the image:
- Click on the image in Edit mode.
- The icon will turn into indicating that you can change the image size.
- Hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor to change the size of the image.
- Release the mouse when it's the right size.
You can move the image:
- Move the mouse icon to the image.
- The icon will turn into indicating that you can move.
- Hold the left mouse button and move it.
- Release the mouse to see the changes.