Uninstalling PDFescape, Troubleshooting
We recommend saving any open files in PDFescape Desktop. PDFescape Desktop will prompt you to close the application should it be open during the removal process.
Start Menu Uninstall
Windows 10:
- Click on the Start Menu.
- Choose All Apps.
- Expand the PDFescape Desktop folder.
- Right-click on PDFescape Desktop and choose Uninstall.
Windows 8:
Please refer to the Control Panel Uninstall section below.
Windows 7 + Vista:
- Click on the Start Menu.
- Choose All Programs.
- Expand the PDFescape Desktop folder.
- Choose Uninstall or Modify PDFescape.
- The PDFescape Desktop installation wizard will now open.
Control Panel Uninstall
Windows 10+8:
- Right-click on the Start Menu.
- Choose the Control Panel option.
- Choose Uninstall a Program from the Programs (category view) section or Programs and Features (icon view).
Windows 7+Vista:
- Click to open the Start Menu.
- Choose the Control Panel option from the right side.
- Choose Uninstall a Program from the Programs (category view) section or Programs and Features (icon view).
Uninstalling PDFescape Desktop:
The uninstall or change a program window will open.
- Double-click on PDFescape Desktop.
This will launch the installation manager allowing you to remove the application.
- Choose Remove.
- Click on Next to confirm the removal process.
Certain applications need to be closed in order to uninstall PDFescape Desktop. If any of those applications are open, you will see the following window.
- Select if you will close the applications manually or if you want the installation wizard to automatically restart them for you.
- Click Next to proceed.
PDFescape Desktop will now uninstall from your system.
- Click on Finish to finalize.
In the event you cannot remove PDFescape Desktop we have prepared a "removal tool". You can download it by clicking here.
This will go through every part of your system looking for PDFescape Desktop and safely remove it.
When it opens you will be able to choose PDFescape Desktop from the dropdown.
You will see everywhere PDFescape Desktop is still present in your system.
Each reference of PDFescape Desktop will be removed. The window will update and you will see Removing Completed at the bottom. You can close the removal tool at this time.