PDFescape Online has a new interface!
Here are the functionalities:
PDFescape Online directly open on a new document.
You can also Upload a PDF file from your computer, Load a URL or Open a recent file by selecting the preferred option in the top left corner.
In the top middle you can select the mode:
- Select
- View
- Edit
You can change your PDF file information at the top by clicking on the i icon.
You add security to your document by clicking on the Lock at the top of the document.
You can Zoom in or Zoom out in the top left corner.
You can access your account in the top right corner.
The first icon on the left is Edit Options. By clicking on this icon, you get these options:
- Text
- Image
- Link
- Line
- Rectangle
- Checkmark
- Whiteout
- Freehand
- Form Field
- Arrow
- Circle
The second icon on the left is Insert Options. By clicking on this icon, you get these options:
- Sticky Notes
- Insert
- Underline
- Oval
- Highlight
- Strikeout
- Rectangle
The third icon on the left is View Options. By clicking on this icon, you get these options:
- Move
- Rotate Left
- Append
- Deskew
- Delete
- Rotate Right
- Crop
Right under those options you have Preview and Bookmarks.
At the bottom, you have Save, Download and Print.